Tromp AG
Improving financial infrastructure
through strategic thinking, collaboration and technology
Knowledge of central banking business
As a result of a long career in the South African Reserve Bank, Tromp has a broad and deep knowledge of the role and functioning of a central bank. As an internal information technology solution provider, head of the National Payment System function, and being instrumental in the implementation of strategic management processes and disciplines, he has a unique understanding of a central bank’s business and operations

The experience is on a strategic, management, and in many cases, also on an operational system design level.

The areas of knowledge include the following:
  • Financial infrastructure oversight (strategic level)
  • National Payment Systems (strategic, management and systems level - on a national and regional level)
  • Interaction between central bank and financial markets (strategic and systems level)
  • Economic information management (systems management, design and development level)
  • Bank supervision information management (strategic and IT management level)
  • Foreign exchange and money markets (strategic and IT management level)
  • Exchange control and balance of payment flows (strategic and IT management level)
  • Bank note and coin management (strategic level)
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