Tromp AG
Improving financial infrastructure
through strategic thinking, collaboration and technology
Expertise in facilitation and consensus building
Tromp AG has the capability to facilitate effective discussion and build consensus, within organisations and also across industry, in order to develop a shared understanding and agreement on solutions of mutual benefit to all parties involved.

Tromp AG is expert in the facilitation of effective discussions between groups of stakeholders. Over the years Tromp has developed a collaboration approach and technique that enables groups of participants to actively participate in the discussions and to achieve outcomes that represent the consensus views of the group. The approach utilises a collaboration tool that enables the capturing of the views and arguments expressed by participants. Every effort is made to capture all ideas expressed in order too ensure that satisfaction of each participant that his/her view has been noted.

Following debate the views expressed are reworked until they have been fully explored and refined to the satisfaction of the participants.

The methodology has been applied in many situations, including:
  • Strategic planning in multi-stakeholder and industry settings, such as National Payment Systems planning, financial market re-engineering, etc
  • Top-down organisational strategic planning
  • System requirements specification
  • Development of corporate vision, mission and value statements
  • Systems architecture planning.
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